A Guide To Council Bin Sizes UK

Wheelie bins, dustbins and recycling boxes come in all shapes and sizes. Some local authorities issue big ones, some little ones, while others offer a mix of both. There’s no one-size-fits-all when buying a new bin or wheelie bin store and shopping for one can be confusing. To help you buy the perfect storage solution for your wheelie bins, we’ve compiled this handy guide of council bin sizes in the UK. We’ll list what you can expect from the top 15 County Councils in the country, along with details on how to find bin collection days near you.
We still very much recommend that you check with your local council to confirm as this may not be up to date.
Cumbria County Council: Standard Wheelie Bin Size 120L
If you live in Cumbria, you most likely have one of the smallest wheelie bins in the UK, with a total capacity of just 120-litres. However, you can apply for a larger 240-litre bin if you meet specific criteria, such as having five or more adults living in your property or two adults and two babies.
Bin collection days vary in Cumbria, depending on where you live in the region. If you are a resident of Allerdale, Barrow, Carlisle, Copeland, Eden District, or South Lakeland District, you’ll find details of rubbish collection days here.
Derbyshire County Council: Standard Wheelie Bin Size 140L
Just 30% of households in Derbyshire have 240-litre wheelie bins for their general waste. The remaining 70% have a smaller 140-litre wheeled bin. However, you should also receive a 23L food waste caddy, a 240L wheelie bin for your garden waste, and a 55L recycling box for curbside collection. If you live in this part of the country, you need a bin store!
Derbyshire county council collects food waste weekly and all other household and garden waste fortnightly. You can find more detailed information about your region here.
Devon County Council: Standard Wheelie Bin Size 240L or 120L
You’ll either receive a 120-litre or 240-litre wheelie bin for your household waste in Devon. It depends on where you live in the region and the size of your family. You’ll also receive two 55L recycling boxes, a 27L food caddy, and a 240L green wheelie bin for garden waste.
Like many local authorities, Devon County Council charges a fixed annual fee for collecting garden waste. However, this is an optional service, and you do not have to pay for it if you don’t need it. Collection dates vary from district to district. You can find yours here.
Essex County Council: Standard Wheelie Bin Size 180L
The standard wheelie bin size for households in Essex is 180-litres. Local authorities also provide two recycling boxes (colours vary from district to district), a food waste caddy for curbside collection, and a 240-litre brown wheelie bin for garden waste.
General rubbish collections are fortnightly, food waste collections weekly, and recycling boxes alternate weekly, with one colour, collected one week, the other the next. However, you can apply for a larger wheelie bin in Essex if your household meets the size requirements. You’ll find more information about this and your collection days here.
Gloucestershire County Council: Standard Wheelie Bin Size 240L
If you are a resident of Gloucestershire, you’re lucky! You get a large 240-litre general waste wheelie bin as standard. However, you can opt for a smaller 140-litre bin if you have limited storage space.
You are also entitled to a 23L food waste caddy, up to three 55L recycling boxes, and a 240L green wheelie bin for your garden waste if needed. You’ll have to pay £36 per year for garden waste collection, which takes place every two weeks. Gloucester County Council collects food waste weekly, general waste fortnightly, and recyclable waste weekly. Find your collection days here.
Hampshire County Council: Standard Wheelie Bin Size 240L
Residents of Hampshire enjoy a generous bin allowance, with one 240L general waste wheelie bin, one 240L recycling bin, a further 38L recycling box for glass, and a food waste caddy. Most districts operate alternate-weekly curbside collection, collecting general rubbish one week and recyclables the next. Food waste collection is weekly, and glass collection is every four weeks.
However, if you want to dispose of garden waste in Hampshire, you need to purchase a brown wheelie bin (currently £31) and pay an annual collection fee. Find more information about this and your collection days here.
Hertfordshire County Council: Standard Wheelie Bin Size 180L
In Hertfordshire, most households receive a 180-litre wheelie bin for residual waste, a 240-litre wheeled bin for green waste, food waste, and mixed dry recyclables, and a blue recycling box for paper. Most districts offer fortnightly collection on all bins.
However, if you decide to sign up for Hertfordshire’s garden waste collection service, you’ll have to pay an annual fee of £40. You’ll receive a brown wheelie bin for your garden waste. Collections are once every two weeks. Find your collection days here.
Kent County Council: Standard Wheelie Bin Size 180L
As the largest county council in the UK, Kent has a lot of household rubbish to deal with, so you can expect a general waste bin of 180-litres. You’ll also get a 240-litre wheelie bin for dry recycling, a 55-litre recycling box for paper and cards, and a 23-litre food waste caddy.
You’ll have to pay for garden waste disposal in Kent. Some districts supply wheelie bins for this waste, others reusable bags. To find out more about this service and your local bin collection days, click here.
Lancashire County Council: Standard Wheelie Bin Size 240L
If you live in Lancashire, you should receive a 240-litre wheelie bin as standard, with the option to upgrade to a 360-litre receptacle if you have a large family. You’re also entitled to up to three recycling boxes, and you may or may not have a food waste caddy.
It costs £30 per year to dispose of garden waste in Lancashire. If you apply for this service, you’ll receive a 240-litre wheelie bin. Household waste, recyclables, and garden waste are collected every two weeks. Find your collection days here.
Norfolk County Council: Standard Wheelie Bin Size 240L and 140L
You have two choices of council-issued wheelie bins in Norfolk, with both 240-litre and 140-litre options available. You’ll also receive a green bin for recyclables and a 240-litre brown wheelie bin for garden waste if you sign up for this payable service. Most districts provide 23-litre food waste caddies for curbside collection.
Alternate weekly collections are available in Norfolk, with general waste collected one week and recyclable waste the following week. Different districts have different collection days. Find yours here.
North Yorkshire County Council: Standard Wheelie Bin Size 180L
Wheelie bins are colourful in North Yorkshire, and your general waste wheelie bin could be grey, green, or black. The standard wheelie bin size is 180-litres, although families of six and more can request a 240-litre receptacle from their local authority.
In addition to your household waste bin, you’ll receive a recycling bin and, if you sign up for the subscription, a garden waste bin. North Yorkshire County Council also supplies residents with low-cost compost bins upon request. Collection days vary from district to district. Find yours here.
Oxfordshire County Council: Standard Wheelie Bin Size 180L & 240L
Oxfordshire county council issues two wheelie bins as standard, a 240-litre blue bin for recyclables and a 180-litre green bin for general household waste. However, they no longer provide individual recycling boxes and they charge an annual fee for collecting garden waste.
In this part of the country, they operate alternate weekly collection services, collecting general waste one week and recyclables the next. For details of kerbside collections in your district, click here.
Staffordshire County Council: Standard Wheelie Bin Size 180L
If you live in Staffordshire, the council will provide you with a 180-litre wheelie bin for household rubbish and a 240-litre wheelie bin for mixed recycling materials. Both of which will fit conveniently into any double wheelie bin store.
If you sign up for the garden waste collection scheme (currently £43.60 per year), you’ll receive an additional 240-litre wheelie bin for compostable food and garden plant waste. However, not all authorities in Staffordshire provide a food waste caddy. Households without one are encouraged to compost at home or dispose of food waste in their general waste bin. For collection days in your area, click here.
Surrey County Council: Standard Wheelie Bin Size 240L
In Surrey, the standard council-issued wheelie bin size is 240-litres, but smaller homes can ask for a 140-litre bin. Large households of five people or more can request a 360-litre bin for general waste.
Additionally, you will receive a 240-litre recycling bin (140L and 360L recycling bins also available) and a food waste caddy. You’ll get a 240-litre garden waste bin if you sign up for the collection service, which currently costs £49 per year. You’ll find details of collection days and local recycling centres here.
Worcestershire County Council: Standard Wheelie Bin Size 180L
Residents of Worcestershire are entitled to a 180-litre wheelie bin for general waste and a 240-litre recycling bin. You can request a smaller 140-litre dustbin if preferred or a large 240-litre wheelie bin if you are a family of six or more.
Recycling is encouraged by Worcestershire county council, and larger recycling wheelie bins are available to those who need them. Your local authority will provide you with a 240-litre brown wheelie bin if you decide to sign up for the garden waste collection service, which is currently £62.50 per year. As for food waste, Worcestershire residents can apply for a subsidised compost bin. However, you can dispose of this type of waste in their general rubbish bin. For collection days in your area, click here.
So there you have it, a complete breakdown of wheelie bin sizes in the UK. Now all you need is something to store them in and we can help! Check out our range of Wheelie Bin Storage units!
I like to know the size of the large bins in mm
Hi Nirmal,
The largest household size available is 360 litres, the sizes of this can differ depending on the make and model you have. We advise that you check with your local council to confirm your measurements.
Wheelie Bin Storage
What are the dimensions of the 140 litre and 240 litre bins.
Wheelie Bin sizes vary by manufacturer. However the dimensions are roughly
140 Litre – 1066mm x 485mm x 512mm (H x W x D)
240 Litre – 1179mm x 735mm x 581mm (H x W x D)