Metal Fire Pits: A Guide

There’s something about fire pits. As cosy as a campfire but decidedly better looking, they are an amazing focal point….

Why are Metal Wheelie Bin Stores better than wood?

If your beaten-up wheelie bins are cramping the style of your garden, you might decide to invest in wheelie bin…

How do Badgers get into wheelie bins? And how to stop them

Badgers are omnivorous, which means they’ll eat pretty much anything. From earthworms to small animals, fruits, plant bulbs, and birds’…

How to Secure Wheelie Bins During a Storm 

While the calendar might say we’re on our way to warmer and brighter days, the UK weather likes to keep…

How to Stop My Wheelie Bin Blowing Over?

The weather is getting a bit windy and wild, and that means one thing. Worrying about how to stop your…

Is it Illegal to Leave Wheelie Bins on the Pavement?

Hands up who put their bins out too early for collection? Or do you leave yours out for far too…

How Much Should a Wheelie Bin Shed Cost?

Love them or hate them, wheelie bins are a necessity for modern living. However, most people don’t want them to…

How to Stop A Smelly Bin

With the warmer months very much here, are your thoughts turning to how you can prevent the dreaded smelly bin?…

How to Protect Your Wooden Wheelie Bin Store this Summer

You’ve invested in a wooden wheelie bin store to keep your bins safe. However, what about when it comes to…