Deadly Shrubs You Do Not Want in Your Garden

If you’re a keen gardener, you want the best looking, most vibrant and fragrant plants in your garden. Not something poisonous, smelly or just downright dangerous. Here’s our guide to some of the most dangerous plants on earth that you definitely don’t want in your flower bed!
Skunk Cabbage
As you might guess by the name, this plant is not a pleasant smelling one. It actually smells like a skunk. It looks quite ugly and if certain parts of it are eaten it can be deadly. However, thanks to calcium oxalate, a toxin it contains which can burn the skin and cause organ failure!

Yes, we know this was the sweet little thing you put under your chin to see if you liked butter (come on, we all did it!). Do you remember getting a little red mark under your chin? This is because the flowers release a toxin that causes a temporary rash. Not only that, if animals and people eat them they can be highly poisonous. Best just to admire this one from now on.
Giant Hogweed
This dangerous plant causes skin damage because it releases a sap that reacts with the sun and burns through the skin and other tissues causing lesions. If the sap gets into the eyes it can cause blindness.

Angel Trumpet
This plant contains three potent toxins, one of which is a hypnotic, with the power to turn people into virtual zombies! One man was targeted by criminals who threw the toxin in his face, and he entered a trance-like state and loaded the contents of his apartment into their van.
This tree, native to Australia, is one of the world’s most dangerous trees. People who’ve come into contact with its leaves report that it was like being sprayed with hot acid. f you’re unlucky enough to come into contact with this unfriendly plant, you can experience burning sensations on your skin for up to two years! The plant is so dangerous that bush workers working in the vicinity have to wear HAZMAT suits.
Red Tide Algae
This dangerous algae turns the waters around some of the world’s coastlines a strange rust colour and it’s a very potent neurotoxin. Shellfish absorb it very quickly and then when shellfish are eaten by people or animals, it’s very deadly. Above all, it paralyses the limbs and the body’s breathing mechanisms.
If these plants sound dangerous, stick to pansies and tulips in your garden. Check out even more helpful tips and interesting articles. Check out our blog.