Why Spending Time Outdoors is the Perfect Mood Booster
Have you ever felt sad or stressed, then went for a walk or spent time in the garden and felt…
How to Protect Your Garden from Heavy Rain
If you’re a seasoned gardener, you’ll probably be heard telling people rain is good for the garden when they complain…
Why You Need a Summer House in your Garden
Admittedly, the Great British Weather may have been kind to us recently. However, our summers are known for being changeable,…
Outdoor Essentials for a Garden Party
No, it’s not a mirage. Spring has sprung and that means it’s time to start thinking about the arrival of…
A Brief History of the English Garden
The garden truly is an integral part of an Englishman’s home. Whatever its size or makeup, it allows us an…
Your English Garden Has True ‘Capabilities’
What do you know about Lancelot ‘Capability’ Brown? Well, the saying goes that ‘an Englishman’s home is his castle’ and…